Tidal Speakers owners

Could you please write your impressions about the Tidal speakers you currently own ? I will probably buy the Tidal Piano Cera in the near future so I would appreciate your feedback...

Showing 11 responses by charles1dad

Congratulations on your purchase of the Chalice Audio SET amps. I`ve not had the opprotunity to hear them but have heard and read that they`re remarkable sounding components. It`s clear you trusted your ears rather than worry about rated power specifications which can often mean very little under real world circumstances.It does`nt surprise me that a ultra quaility low power SET with a very stout power supply would out class a SS amp with a much higher power output. Spearkers such as yours that are both very resolving yet natural in presentation will always easily reveal the better sounding amplifier.Certainly these speakers can sound quite well matched with high quaility SS amps, but the unique characteristics you`ve noted with the Chalice SET can be rather elusive with many transistor electronics.
Hi Calloway,

Just curious as to your current impressions as your Chalice amps accumulate more time drving your Tidals. This combination is really unique compared to the common Tidal/ big SS amp approach others follow.
They`re just too many varibles involved(components,systems and listener preferences) to declare one great amp far superior to another great one it seems. It certainly appears that the Tidals can sound wonderful with very different amp designs i.e. Ypsilon, Chalice Audio and Sovereign to name a few. I supect with this level of speaker it will simply portray the intrinsic abilities of individual power amps.
Thanks for the very kind invitation to hear your wonderful system. I had the pleasure of hearing the Tidals driven by Ysilon electronics for a good 45 -50 minutes at this year`s CES . The sound was some of the very best I heard at the show.I just feel however that the Chalice amplifier is exceptional and would allow the Tidals to preform at a supreme level.
Ihearyou, I don`t doubt Geopolitis`s sincerity for a moment, it`s just that many roads lead to Rome.
Acording to OSHA sustained(one hour or more)exposure to sound levels at 90db and higher can cause permament hearing impairment.Systems with a low noise floor should easily allow you to listen at levels 60 -70db while preserving reasonable dynamics,detail and a sense of vital energy and life(should`nt sound flat and boring).Listening levels of 75-85db should absolutely be satisfying yet still allow for peaks at higher db levels. If the problem is`nt the speaker then perhaps some other component is the weak link(raised noise floor)
To judge an amplifier bass on # of watts seems shortsighted. Given the design,part selection and execution of the Chalice Grail I suspect it will out perform "many" higher power Solid state amplifiers regardless of stated power rating/watts. This ultra built SET design would have un matched natural beauty,realism and sublime tone/timbre and just bring music to life.
Are`nt the VAC 450 monoblock amps in the same price range?These are certainly extreme prices but of course that`s up to the buyer to decide.
Well, I won`t call anyone stupid(just un-informed perhaps), I think when people see SET the immediate assumption is , it may be sweet and coloful but it must surely lack drive and control. Big SS amplifiers are`nt "always" better(given the particular speaker load)

The Chalice is really a quite special case( massive power supply surplus and top transformers), it`s truly a massive iron fist in a velvet glove.

I believe many would be shocked if they were to compare it directly with their current SS amps, really surprised.
I think keith`s review is relsvant, who would know the needs of Tidal speakers better than the builder. Presumably his ampshould be an ideal stablemate.
The VAC 450 Statement monoblock vs the Chalice Grail driving Tidals would be very interesting to say the least.

The Grails weigh 150 pounds per side for a reason,lots of ultra -heavy duty top quality chokes and transformers. I`d go out of my way for the chance to hear these two fine amps driving the same speakers.