Tidal or Qobuz

Many say Qobuz sounds better than Tidal, not Jay. 

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viRfrUktBY - 3:58 to 6:42



Showing 2 responses by nyev

So I did a Qobuz vs Tidal face-off about two months ago on a variety of tracks - and found that Tidal had more detail, more resolution, and sounded less compressed with everything I tried. Tidal had higher highs and lower lows. If Jay is right and it varies track to track which is better, then maybe I didn't try enough tracks, but Qobuz for me was inferior in exactly the same ways with every track I tried.

But my case may be much different as I'm based in Canada. Qobuz came to Canada just in May for the first time, and they did so by acquiring an existing company - I believe a small streaming service.  So it's possible that what I hear through Qobuz in Canada is not the same as what folks in the US hear - different data centres, possibly even different files.

@anzaanimalclinic and All, I wonder if other variables could be at play here. It seems many prefer Quobuz but also I think @jays_audio_lab has more than enough experience with ultra high end gear to be a trusted authority on the topic as well. As many of us have experienced, and while some others have mocked from the sidelines, there are so many variables that come into play, all of which play a part in the experience we perceive, which could very well be different for each of us.

I wonder if there are variables we are not aware of, for example, does it matter how far away we are from Qobuz’s and Tidal’s data centers? How many data centres does Tidal and Quobuz have? And would some locations serve higher quality than others?  And does user load on the data centers make a difference?  What if the data center is experiencing high demand? I know they would use all of the same source files. BUT…. If things like jitter, electrical noise, and vibration make a difference in our digital playback systems at home, maybe these things also have an impact in the data centres? I’m sure some will mock this notion; go ahead it’s fine! But for those who have experienced the often large effects of home tweakery, including control of AC noise, vibration and jitter, why would these things not matter at the source?