Tidal HiFi Test - how representative?

To anyone who has taken the Tidal HiFi Test and also subscribes to Tidal HiFi, how representative of actual sound quality is the HiFi sample compared to what you hear as a "premium" subscriber? Are the differences between the A & B samples used in the test indicative of the improvement in SQ subscribers enjoy?
The enthusiastic Tidal advocates posting on A'gon have certainly got me curious.

Showing 5 responses by jond

I feel like when I signed up it was like a 7 day trial? This was perhaps 6 months ago. I was instantly hooked and I think the quality is superb. I also use a Sonos Connect outputting to a DAC. I just tried the test via my crappy laptop speakers with the laptop sitting on my lap and managed 2 out of 5. Not a particularly scientific method especially through bandwidth limited transducers where more compressed music may actually sound better. Cool idea though.
Mofi and Hgeifman, I noticed the same thing when my stereo was down for a few weeks as we got our floors replaced, I listened to Tidal via the app on my laptop, there is indeed about a 2 second pause between tracks that does not seem to be defeatable. There is no pause via Sonos, I've never bothered to investigate why as all of my listening is through Sonos now.
I wonder if the folks who say $20 a month for Tidal is too much think about how much a month they use to spend on CD's? I know I was regularly spending $50/month netting myself at most 7-8 discs. For less than half that I can listen to literally thousands of albums on Tidal at CD quality. Seems a relative bargain to me.
There are 33 albums by Gary Moore on Tidal. Is Ball & Chain an album or a song?
$280 if you like blues look these up on Tidal:

J Roddy Wallston and the Business eponymous album very unique sounding rockabilly blues with a touch of Leon Redbone.

Danny Kroha Angels Watching Over Me stripped down country/gospel blues with a hard edge.
