Thumbs up for ultrasonic record cleaning

My Cleaner Vinyl ultrasonic record cleaner arrived today and it’s impressive.

Everything I’d read indicated that ultrasonic was the way to go, and now I count myself among the believers. Everything is better - records are quieter, less ticks and pops, more detail etc.

All my records had been previously cleaned with a vacuum record cleaner and were well cared for. Nonetheless, the difference is obvious and overwhelmingly positive.

Thanks for that update, Terry.  I use an Elmasonic myself - v. nice machine.
Can you do dual-frequency?  If so, a similar test at ~38kHz would be equally as interesting and perhaps more profound.  45°+ is quite warm. 
Yes, my Elma is a dual frequency device, but I rarely use 37 KHz. 45C is warm, all right - but I find that, with my machine and its temperature sensor, nothing goes wrong until 52C. The test mentioned above, finished at considerably more than that. Hence the warp.
So i have had my electronic Record cleaner since August 2018, i have to say its amazing and competatively priced.

With a collection of over 5000 LPs,EPS,45s this has been a god send they clean up like new depending on the usage of the vinyl obviously

anyone who is looking to purchase one from the lovely gentleman i bought it from can knock one up for you.

For enquires please quote "SUPERSONIC1" to the following email address the is based in the UK

Hope that helps Happy cleaning

It's been a while...I've had my US machine off-line for a few months. I got it back on-line and running an adjusted solution. Since I'm committed to steaming first, I thought I'd reduce the Versa Clean. I'm currently using just 1 oz Versa Clean and 1/2 oz photo-flo in my 10 liter tank. 

This new solution is the first time I've heard it with my new SoundSmith Sussurro Mkll. What a big difference I'm hearing with the new cart. Notes a even fuller, dynamic expression is greater, vinyl is quieter. Loving it!
I’m happy with my newest cleaning solution. The stickiness on the rubber O-rings (Vinyl Stack), I reported a while back, was due to too much cleaning solution.

After the US cleaner has rested for 5 days, upon restart I notice what looks like short fine black hair. Not a lot. I assume this is vinyl "shavings".
I finally ordered my .5 micron filter to supplement my 1 micron filter. Should arrive today. I think I’ll install it after the 1 micron filter based solely on the higher cost of the .5 filter.

Really the visual "shavings" should be taken care of by the 1 micron filter. I think the real issue is either/or a lack of proper suction or not enough volume ability to be sucked out of the tank. Maybe a larger outlet of more strategically placed outlets?

For those of you with an Elma or similar unit, how is the design in this area. Maybe, like a household sink, the water outlet should be in the center of the tank?