Thrift shop find, Ohm Speakers

I found a pair of speakers at a local thrift shop today. They are a 2 way pair of bookshelf speakers. I couldn't find a model number, only the name Ohm on the back. The front of the speaker also says Ohm in the upper right hand corner. I didn't have my cell phone with me so I couldn't take a picture. The store owner didn't know if they worked but they are being sold for 20.00 a pair. Is it worth me buying these to play around with? Were their 2 way speakers any good? The only Ohm speaker I remember were the F with the large Walsh driver. These look to be just a pair of 2 way speakers. The cabinets were around 24 inches high, 10 inches wide and 12 inches deep

Showing 1 response by jedinite24

Great find. You are very lucky. Whenever I go to the thrift stores I find cheap garbage.

To try and find the Ohm speakers you now have check out this page.