Threshold s/500 vs Cambridge Azur 851 CD

The Threshold looks bigger and more robust but the Cambridge has XLR’s. Won’t use the Cambridge for a receiver, only DAC - amp - speakers. 
Any ideas?

Threshold never seems to make it to anyone’s top 20 list?


I thank you. I am developing this idea. I will box my Magnaplanar 3’d up for awhile. They have great midrange and superior stereo listening positions, very smooth and forgiving. They just don’t go very loud. I do have a sub. 
I will pull Vandersteen 2Ce out of another room (av room) and use them for music.

I have 4 Nautilus SCM-1. They have great highs, pretty darn good midrange and nothing else. I guess I will put those in the tx room and use them for rear and side effects. That seems like early retirement for nice speakers though. I wonder if I should use 2 of them for main music listening. 

I just purchased a Sony HAP Z1ES 1tb DAC NAS and a broadband service, Quobuz Premium. 

Now an amp. I bought one Digital Audio Maraschino Cherry and have been looking for a second one. They sold last for about $2,000 per pair. Used at 50% would be $1,000 but I only need one not a pair. So, I am looking for an amp about $1500 used. If I find another Cheery I can bi-amp the Vandersteens. Of course that still leaves me with the Nautilus. I could put two of them below the tv and use them for a center channel. 

For music I have. Yamaha P2500 running mono to RBH in-wall no box dual 8” subs with crossover built in.  The magnets are small, made in China and really lack a box. I will redo the speaker when I think of a direction later. Probably I will build a box into the interior wall that will be hidden and buy some real speakers. 

I can’t wait to update from Mag 3, iphone + Pandora. Bluetooth isn’t cutting it for me. I used to like listening to music but with the latter it became lifeless. 

Forgot to tell you, I have a McIntosh MC2100. I used it with the Mag’s until one of the channels went dim and scratchy. I need to find a guy to have it fixed. It was a good match with the Mag’s. It has had the main caps replaced with the big blue ones. That set up wasn’t very loud. One of the Mag’s prob needs a tweeter wire re-glued. I’ll put that down as project number 56 on my to do list that grows more than gets checked off

Below is a Legacy Amp, made by CODA, excellent build quality. Might be tough to find, but look for CODA Amps: Model 10, 11, 12, 20, 30 & 100. They have been in business since 1990 and I carried the line when I was in the business. Also checkout Monarchy Audio.




Im not following your question, a Threshold amp “VS” a Cambridge CD player? What are you looking for? The 851C is a great CD player for the money. Can’t think what 851 Series amp that has a DAC and my guess is others above are thinking you are comparing a Threshold to a Cambridge amp? Build quality of the 851 Series is very good and I question those that doubt it have seen or owned one. 

if you’re simply looking for a nice amp that is reasonably priced then look at a Parasound P21+. Knew a guy that had a S/500 but it’s been too many years to recall how it sounded but I bet the P21+ will easily hold its own no problem. A used ModWright amp would be another to visit, as on the used market they are a great value.

I will still give you your answer for my budget and what I have now. I just have something to take care of this evening. Thank u for helping me

That Pass is $15,000 though!  I don’t have anywhere near that in the budget I have allocated. Why doesn’t anyone talk about the PS Audio stuff? Anyway those are so pricey too because there aren’t many second hand ones for $1500

I am saying there has been tremendous advancement in technology over the last forty years and buying really old stuff is not a great way to build  a great sounding system. While buying used can be a great way to reduce cost… usually not older than 10 years… but, it depends.

I can send some. Are you letting me know that as you have upgraded from amp to amp the Threshold is just older now and not as exciting as u have traded up to newer models?

If you want Threshold quality and balanced inputs, checkout CODA amps. Both are several steps above the Cambridge.

The Threshold s500 was the very best available amp period… in 1979 (in todays dollars ~$18,800). I bought one. It absolutely bested any amp of its time. When I sold mine about 20 years later and bought a Pass X350… the Pass made the Threshold sound like it had little power and the sound was very tin like. I kept the Pass for 20 years and when I replaced it a couple years ago with my current amp… while the Pass did not sound gutless it sounded very thin and in-evolved.

The improvement in sound quality has been astonishing.


Need some idea what you are trying to do… budget, your sound preferences. Actually putting photos of the system under your used ID will give us something to work with.