Threshold, Levinson, Bryston, Krell, ?others? used amps

Hi All.  I'm looking for a bang for the buck, diamond in the rough, 200-ish WPC power amp that will hang really tough with what's out there today in the vintage or recently new realm.  Trying to keep $$$ under 2K.  I currently own a Nakamichi PA-7 (Nelson Pass Stasis design).  Looking for an amp that is great at doing the disappearing act, smooth sounding, but not colored, and with lots of authority.  I realize that there are as many opinions on this as stars in the night sky but thought I would ask anyway.  Been considering a Threshold S/500, Levinson 23.5, Bryston 4B family.  Any standouts that I should try to find?  Let's hear from you.
I’ll mention a couple of real sleepers here that you can get well under $2K, $1K in fact. I agree with the above on the Odyssey Stratos, my friend has one and at 150 wpc it sounds great.

B&K EX442 Sonata, 200 into 8, 360 into 4, 75 amps peak to peak, it is incredibly tubey sounding. I used to sell these at the retail level when they came out and got one for myself. I ab/d against Paoli M70 monos (8417 highly modded Dyna mkIII’s) and very hard to tell them apart.

PS Audio 200C, some were prone to transformer hum, but recently saw one advertised that had no transformer hum for $500 in mint condition.

I would also put a Moscode 300 & Counterpoint SA20/220 on the list as well. I recently heard the Counterpoint and it sounded spectacular.  Some are cheap and I would avoid those.  My friend paid $1600 for his and remarked to stay away from one that is much less, it will be problematic.  I’m sure the Sonographe & Aragon 4004 are both nice sounding amps as well that can be had well under $1K.

Lots of choices but the best bang for the buck is the B&K.
I have A Bryston 4BSST and really like the sound and build quality. I picked it up second hand no regrets. 
I have A Bryston 4BSST and really like the sound and build quality. I picked it up second hand no regrets. 
The D-Sonic M3a-800S amp goes for $1475 new and pumps out 400/800W into 8/4Ohms.  Yeah it’s Class D — shoot me.  There’s a 6Moons review that indicates it punches well above its price, and I think they offer a 30-day trial.  Commence firing. 
I've owned a Nak PA-7aii for a few weeks and the ML 23.5 twice now for 15 years.  It wasn't even close.  The 23.5 is the best amp for Maggies and this was the word from Steve Whiney.  I have Tympani 1-d's and JBL Hartsfields.  Funny thing, I ran the Hartsfields with a Marantz 8b for 10 years straight and put the 23.5 in it's place recently.  There was little difference sonically, other than better bass control.  Apparently, the 23.5 is biased for the first few watts in class A.  It is simply one of the very best SS amps ever made.  Look to pay $2,800.  Now about those ML2's...