Three best audiophile CD/LP in your collection

Can everyone share the list of the three best audiophile SACD/LP/CD from his collection regardless of genre ? IT's so difficult to find the real good sounding recording.
Having recently seen Jeff Beck on tour here in San Francisco, I have listened to a few of his classics, and being a drummer myself, I have a particular awareness of how drums are recorded, I really think "Blow by Blow" and "There and Back" sound wonderful on my original vinyl issues.

Drums are by far the most challenging acoustic instrument to record due to inherent sonic issues that are presented, and the necessity to properly mic the variety of dynamic conditions that run across drum kit, from the low frequencies of a kick drum to the shimmer of a small crash cymbal.

If an artist is going to use drums on their recording, and they are interested in making a higher consciousness recording aimed at the audiophile market, then there are great challenges to overcome to really capture a top tier drummer playing across a well tuned, and well miked drum kit.

The producers and sound engineers that are able to pull this off, my hats off to them.
Beck's "Blow By Blow" on original vinyl is up there.

"Classic Concert" CD by Mel Torme and Co. (live at Carnegie Hall) is up there.

"Preachin the Blues" CD on Mapleshade is a very good quality binaural recording also.
Belafonte at Carnegie Hall
Miles of Isles J. Mitchell
Weavers at Carnegie Hall
Casino Royal
All the above have been extensively reviewed except Miles of Isles.
the Pearson TAS lists are the most accurate I have seen.
I am beginning to believe that there is something to the hot stamper theory RE vinyl - that some indvidual pressings are much better than others, regardless of whether they are "audiophile" or even "heavy" vinyl. Case in point, my best reference recording is the "David Grisman Quintet" self titled album from the mid seventies - standard release vinyl, but it sounds marvelous.

One of my favorite demo redbook CD's is the original 1991 Rickie Lee Jones "Pop Pop" disk as already mentioned above. My favorite "audiophile" CD is the "Stan Getz with Cal Tjader" JVC XRCD2 disk.

Honorable mention:

Almost anything produced by Teo Maceo, but especially Columbia records remastered redbook CDs of Dave Brubeck Quartet "take Five" and Miles Davis' "Kind of Blue".

The Philadelphia Orchestra and Wolfgang Sawallisch "Strauss Tone Poems" EMI redbook CD

Agree with Mapman, original "Blow by Blow" on well set up turntable is very, very good. Did not appeciate how good until I had my table dialed in.