Thoughts on vintage Accuphase

I have an opportunity to buy some vintage Accuphase gear -- C200 preamp and P300 power amp. Just wondering if anyone has opinions on this combo. More specifically, how do you think it compares and competes with modern equipment, and what should be a reasonable price. If I end up buying, I will either be driving P3esr speakers in a smaller room (12x13), or Sonus Faber Olympica II in a midsized room (20x15). Should I walk away and look for more modern equipment or do you guys think it competes favorably with new’ish stuff? I prefer a warm sound but not at the expense of details, transparency or tighter, fuller bass.

Showing 1 response by atmasphere

We serviced out a C-200 several weeks ago. It is extremely well built and the design is top notch. Any electronics this old though needs all the filter capacitors replaced in the power supplies.

But seriously there are many better sounding preamps. While this preamp was quiet, it was only capable of MM cartridges. The tone controls employed switches so set to flat it was truly flat. But it has a bright character that is de rigor for solid state preamps in the 70s and 80s. I think you could do better with a Dynaco PAS-3, properly refurbished.

I could entertain getting something like this for the novelty, but not more than maybe $200 and certainly not for my main system.