thoughts on the Music Fidelity CD-Pre at 1,300

I am considering the Music Fidelity Cd-Pre at 1,300 (new). Is this a good preamp and cd player? Is there better for the money (used is ok)? I have a pair of Martin Logan SL3 and a Aragon 3002 on the way. Suggestions? I would like to have a tuner in the preamp .... is the B&K Pt3 a good piece?

on another note... why do the 1,000 cd players sound better than the 200 dollar cd players? what is better about them sound wise? how much better sound wise are they?
why do pre amps sound better than an a AV rcvr used as a preamp? how much better do they sound. I know the best way is to hear it, but that option not available at this time.


Showing 1 response by jpr

I have got one and at the price, it cant be beat. I really have no use for the premp facilities beyond just the volume control but as a stand alone cd player, just on the savings of a digital inteconned (between transport and processor) and interconnect between processor and preamp( that would otherwise be need to connect a traditionaly structured system) you may have about 4 to 5 hundred dollars.

Soundwise, it is smooth while also being detailed and precents a very good sound stage and air around the intruments.

Dont think about it twice.
