Thoughts on the First Watt SIT Amps

Has anyone bought the First Watt SIT amp (either model)? If so, tell us your thoughts compared to previous amps you've had.

Showing 19 responses by charles1dad

Phil wrote,
"Decay is over damped. You don`t get the whole note".Phil I appreciate your input/impression very much.The SIT amplifier does intrigue me but I really wonder if it can duplicate what the Coincident Frankenstein(or other really good SET amps)do so well. I`m referring to full body tone,weight,harmonics,decay, inner nuance etc. In other words those qualities that make good SET so natural and real sounding compared to most other types of amplifiers.
Phil were you able to hear the SIT in your system? I know S.Ebaen of 6 Moons prefers it to any DHT SET amplifier.I do respect his opinions but we may very well have different listening preferences and sound/music presentation priorities.Exceptional SET amps IMO provide that 'breath of life' quality that many other amps seem to lack.
Does that "tomb like silence" seem natural to you? I find the 'ultra' silence or blackness artificial, as no background is that quiet(like outer space vacuum). I believe tube background ambience is the more realistic one in nature. Just an opinion that`s all.
Hi Chad, I understand your point,but even in a recording studio that enviroment is not the so called'ink black' background of silence. But really overall it`s just a minor point I had thoughts on. Ultimately what ever one desires in their audio playback they should pursue.(no arguement there).
Hello Phil,
I also like the 6 moons approach with their emphasis on musicality and feel that Srajan is very effective at putting into words what he hears. I don`t view him or anyone as a 'guru' however. Your further description of the SIT amp is what I suspected(short of hearing it myself).Your familiarity with the Frankenstein amp obviously adds relevance in my situation. As you clearly explain, there seem to be exclusive qualities in the 'good'DHT SET amplifiers(that matter most to me)that are very difficult for other amps to duplicate(even though they have other strengths of their own). Thanks again for your up close insight.

You make quite valid points between the two versions of the amplifiers. Is your friend`s view of the SIT-2 amp the same as yours or is he happy with them in his system?

Does your friend plan to try the SIT-1 amps to see for himself?

Is he a former DHT SET amp owner?
Hello Srajan,
I thought you made these points clearly in your review. I believe also that phil heard what he so very clearly described. All this means to me is the two of you simply value different sonic attributes and as a result individual preference hierarchies will naturally exist.

I suspect my listening /sonic taste probably(even though I use a DHT single gain preamp) are more in line with phil(as those differences he heard the DHT SET excel matter most to me). As always horses for courses.Thankfully there are choices for nearly all taste.I`d still like to hear the SIT amps if the opprotunity arises.
When you do get the chance to hear the SIT-1 amp with a DHT single stage preamp I`d love to read your impressions. If you lived nearby(Michigan) I`d certainly lend you my Coincident Linestage for comparison(and Frankenstein amp also).
Hi Phil,
Reading Srajan`s complete review of the SIT-1 amplifier, he made the distinction of "single gain stage" DHT linestages as opposed to merely DHT tube based. Will you be able to get a single stage version?I may have to saddle up my horse and head west with the Coincident Linestage.
What is your opinion of the SIT-2 amplifier driving the Zu Defs? Do you have an interest in auditioning the SIT-1 versions?
Brawny and Phil with different perspectives (no surprise, different ears).Chad you`re going to have to bite the bullet and hear this amp in your system. It`d be very interesting how it compares to your modified Yamamoto SET amplifier.
Why the need to avoid tubes? They obviously provide that something special your prior SS amps lacked or you`d kept one of them. Your Yamamoto SET is very simple,straight forward and reliable like my Frankenstein(minimal fuss). The tubes in these amps last for thousands of hours. Just continue to enjoy your wonderful system.I`ve been in pure musical bliss since I discovered SET amps with high efficient/easy load speakers.People talk about SET colorations, I can`t speak for all SET amps but the Frankenstein is more accurate to real instruments and voice than any SS amp I`ve heard. I`d imagine you feel the same regarding your Yamamoto.Realism and natural/organic- holistic sound is most important to me.This is what generates the emotion and utter involvement of music.Good luck finding that with SS amps.Could the SIT-1 be it finally?
Thank you for your insight.
It seems Phil`s impression nailed the essential differences between the amplifiers and in the end it will boil down to taste and sonic vitues that are cherish most.Complete note substain-decay is a quality I won`t compromise, this loss is too significant in order to get bass a bit tighter or faster.It`s easy to understand the variance between Phil and Srajan.
Noise is`nt an issue in my system at all.With your 107db sensitive speakers(mine are 94 db) It could be. As to expense, yes my Takatsuki 300b pair is very expensive. Their perforformance is extraordinary! and I`d continue to buy them again in a heartbeat for the sheer joy and pleasure they provide. When SS amps equal this ability I`ll be very interested.
This thread has been very interesting and thought provoking. I believe the Frist Watt SIT amp is an exceptional product and genuine achievement. I also believe it will out perform many SET amplifiers,It all depends on one`s reference point and past SET amp exposure.There are noticeable quality/performance levels among these amps and a certain hierarchy is in place. Some SET amplifiers are indeed colored,slow,soft, too warm,rolled off etc, Others will demostrate supreme speed,openess,tone,dynamics etc.

My feeling is the true top tier SET amplifiers will out perform the SIT amp in certain vital areas of music reproduction and tactile realism- emotional connection. The SIT amps may have certain advantages in the 'hifi' realm/parameters i.e. image focus,transient speed,'tight' bass(perhaps less natural bass bloom or texture?).
Well `I`m off to see jazz trombonist Delfaeyo Marsalis who`s in town for a few days. This jazz club acoustic instrument venue will always be my reference point.I wish more high end designers would model their sound/components to mimic this type of natural sound rather than the direction some have chosen.
Hi Phil,
That was an interesting and informative read(as always). Compared to your Audion SET amps(845 and 300b) would you say the SIT-1 is'more'resolved, nuance,faster and extended(Srajan found these qualities superior with the SIT-1)? Calling it the best SS amp you`ve heard is high praise.
You have described in the past the sound of various components that I`ve also heard(ARC for one example) with dead on accuracy(I share your conclusions).I`d put much weight on your SIT-1 impressions. This appears to be an exceptional amplifier.Given your detailed comparison I imagine I`d like it quite a lot but probably not to the point of it replacing my current amplifier.Those 'special' qualities of good DHT SET amps are mandatory for my ultimate enjoyment.

Thanks for taking the time to reply with such useful insight.
Best Regards,