Thoughts on Phantom vs Copperhead?

Hi folks,I have a good friend who is considering moving from a Phantom to the Copperhead....

He is a serious LP collector(with a superb system),and obviously likes the superb Phantom alot.I DO too,but he has asked me to get "any" feedback on the comparison,or "consideration of one over the other" that I can....Hence,this post!!...

Btw,the table he has(like myself)is the latest SOTA COSMOS,with a Transfig Orpheus cartridge.His speaker is the Magico Mini,run by high res electronics.

Any thoughts would be welcome..

Showing 1 response by joenies

It's nice to see that someone keeps on trying to improve on their system. Some people trade in their cars every year so I see nothing wrong with doing the same with audio equipment. It's their money more power to them.
I like people who have more disposable income than me, it gives me the opportunity to buy their used equipment at a good savings.
If you can afford it go for it.
Joe Nies