Thoughts on interconnect vs. speaker cable length.

I wish to plae my amp closer to the speakers and away from the front end rack.

My system consists of Esoteric MG10s, Bel 1001MKV, Audible Illusions 3a, PS DLIII DAC, M2Tech USB/SPdif. Mac Mini, Arcam DV137, Sonograph Turntable.

Showing 1 response by mingles

I didn't realize that cable length affects phase shift. I stumbled into an interesting article by Empirical Audio: Is it better to have short interconnects and long speaker cables or visa-versa? He measured rolloff and phase shift and came to these general conclusions:

- Regardless of the cost of interconnect and speaker cable, it is always better to make the interconnects shorter and the speaker cable longer.

- Inexpensive interconnects should be limited to 1 meter or shorter.

- More optimized interconnects can be as long as 15 meters.

- 11 AWG ZIP used as speaker cable should be limited to 12 feet or shorter.

- More optimized speaker cables can be as long as 40 meters.