Thoughts on balanced power

I have decided that my next system upgrade will be focused on AC power. I currently use a Furman Elite 15 PFi for all components except my amp which is plugged direct to the wall. I am considering balanced power and therefore have been researching Equi-Tech, BPT (which unfortunately I believe is now out of business)  and Furman. I have pretty much settled on the Furman P-2400 it, due to the reputation of Furman in the industry and price. I would like to get feedback from anyone who has one of these units. I would also like to hear from anyone using balanced power and your impressions. In addition, I am wondering about plugging an amp into this unit as opposed to direct to the wall. I am running a Plinius SA-103 which is solid state in class A/B for casual listening and class A for serious listening. I bring this topic up because my search turned up a lot of older posts but not much recent. Thank you.  

Showing 1 response by nmmusicman

I've been using balanced power for over 15 years now with my first unit being a Cine-Pro power pro 10 which was really a Furman just rebadged as Cine-Pro. It was a major step up from what I had been using which was an Adcom ACE-15. Much improved bass depth and articulation along with soundstage solidity were its main attributes however it was limited to 10 amps max and I was utilizing 70-80 % of that. I used it for about 3 years and I then upgraded to a PS Audio Power Plant P600 which as many know outputs balanced power. The P600 lasted about 6 years before it died and it was a revelation to say the least at the time and after visiting my local dealer, he mentioned a then new company called Platinum Power which utilizes a 2500VA balanced transformer. I took the PP-1 beast home where it handily out performed the P600 hands down in every audiophile/perfomance attribute you can name! It is fed from a 15 amp dedicated circuit but only drawing about 8 amps max from it so there is more than ample headroom. 

I repaired the P600 and dropped it into the HT system where it was happy for about 5 years until it died again. As luck would have it, I was looking thru my local Craigslist and lo and behold a PP-1 was listed for sale for dirt cheap so I snagged it up as soon as I could and again, it improved the whole HT system especially my Plasma display which was surprising given that it had been powered with regenerated power. It too is powered by a 15 amp dedicated circuit and the system draws about 7 amps max. 

One of these days I plan on running 20 amp dedicated lines to both the main rig and the HT rig just to remove that small bottleneck even though I am not utilizing anywhere near the 2500VA transformers capacity. Bottom line is I will be using balanced power for the foreseeable future.

As a side note, the new AudioQuest Niagra 7000 with its DBS transformer looks very interesting, I'm going to track one down this weekend at Newport and give it a listen.