Thoughts on Aragon Soundstage Processor

Really trying to narrow my selection for a processor but has to be great at 2 channel as well......I like the Aragon from what Ive read.....Other choices Classe ssp30 B&K reference 30...Anthem 20....Integra.......Right now the Aragon can be got for 1500.00 to 1800.00 dollars which makes it appealing... and is upgradable....Anyone you has first hand experience....with any of these......Help!!!! Thanks
If you are like me and enjoy mostly 2ch audio and some HT, then you have to go with the Classe or hchg888 suggestion of the proceed. These two are more geared toward 2ch as well as HT. I own the Classe and the Analog bypass mode for 2ch audio is superb!!! As good as some of the best preamps.
Absolutely incorrect.The Acurus Act III and Soundstage are in no way similar other than the company was the same.Mondial.Totaly different cicuitry,everything is ugraded including power supply.Believe me,the Act 3 was a very good budget Pre/Pro but the Soundstage is miles ahead in sound quality,and has true analog bypass,with analog volume control.
I would go with the Proceed AVp because you can
find them in the use market for $2400 which is
just a little bit more expensive then the Soundstage.
I agree with Dna, its no more then just the
Act 3 base.

To all, is the SoundStage an Acurus ACT-3 base? Same company, any issues that followed the ACT-3's?

The Soundstage was the most underated Pre/pro out there.Build quality,true analog preamp acceptebality of DVDA make it a great buy.Go for it.
Tmoore - I second Badbenzz's remarks. I have used the Soundstage for over a year, and it has performed flawlessly.
I (newbie) initially needed some assistance w/ the setup, and Aragon's designer/technician, Adam Gershon, couldn't have been any more helpful or personable. I run it balanced to a Sim Audio W5 amp, and am quite satisfied w/ 2 ch stereo direct mode, and when it's time for the movies, HT modes are killer. Programmable remote also is very user- friendly. A solid performer, and at today's prices ... duh.
Best regards...

The Soundstage is a great sounding piece and when compared to the price of it's competition it's a no brainer. The Soundstage is a wonderful 2 channel pre-amp and does movies quite well. In May you can trade in the Soundstage for the new Stage one plus $1500 or upgrade it for $750. Bear in mind the Stage one does not have balanced outputs and most don't think the Stage one will sound as good as the Soundstage.