Thoughts? - First Watt F8 / Vandersteen Treo's

Always have been interested in the Treo's after hearing these at a friends.  I have run across a lightly used pair but it seems to me looking at the specs these are not a good fit with my First Watt F8.  The F8 being a Class A puts out 25 W - 8ohms.  The Vandersteen site shows a minimum of 40W into 8 ohms and sensitivity of 85 db.  First glance tells me that this is likely not a solid combination.  Thoughts? 


Showing 1 response by rmdmoore

While the sensitivity of Vandersteen speakers is usually in the 80s, as someone said, their an easy load. Bring your amp to your friend's house. Also, give Vandersteen a call. They'll likely put you on the phone with Richard and he'll tell you what he thinks. For what it's worth, I rad a pair of Model IICe with a 35 wpc harmon Kardon Receiver from the late 70s and it did the job.