Thoughts/Experiences on Luxman Sound
Good day, guys!
I have a question on Luxman and hope you guys can shed some light.
I tried various models of Yamaha, Kenwood, Technics, Nakamichi, NAD, Onkyo, Carver, etc. with various speakers and finally settled for Harman Kardon stereo (HK6500/PM 645) with Tannoy DC3000/633 speakers) paired with a Technics EQ which I’m happy with. I’m not into the whole pure audiophile sound, doesn’t like the tubey sound much but rather like my music very detailed, clear and don’t mind them being a bit colored.
I’m thinking of trying out a Luxman & listening to each one before buying is not an option, so I have a few questions:
How do you compare HK stereo sound to Luxman as a whole?
- Few Luxman models are available. LV-90 & A-331 is cheaper while LV-111 & L-410 is kinda expensive. Any thoughts on this comparison?
Your thoughts and experiences are much appreciated. Thanks guys.