Thoughts about the entry level room in RMAF - 2018

Wanted to get some opinion on the RMAF entry level room for 5000$ as posted here - (Entry Level Room: $5,000 @ Room 2018, Summit Tower 2)

$5,000 Analog Setup
Speakers: Salk Song Tower, 2-way floor standing ($1995)
Amp/Digital Streamer/Phono Preamp: Peachtree deco 125 SKY ($999)
Turntable: VPI Cliffwood ($900)
Speaker Cables: Danacable Duo Mk.2: ($479)
Interconnects: Danacable Onyx Mk. 2: ($199)
Power Conditioner (provided by Audio Advisor): Furman PST 6 ($99)
Rack (provided by Audio Advisor): Pangea Vulcan ($99)
Vibration Control: Gingko Audio ARCHs ($299)

Wanted to understand that for a 5000$ budget do we really need to spend money on power conditioners, speaker cables and interconnects?

Also, for the speakers Salk Song Tower ( ) - will they hold their value when selling? I did a little research and was not able to find someone selling these speakers. Although I am new to all this, it seems sensible to put money in components that hold their values when being sold (like B&W 805D3 speakers - they are a bit pricey for me).


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