Thoughts about speakers for a newbie

I am quite new to the audio world and always like hearing people's opinions (knowing in the end it is individual preferences).
Currently I have Mac running Tidal/Audirvana to Chord Qutest to PS Audio Sprout 100 and MarkAudio Sota Cesti B.  I think the system sounds nice but recently made some upgrades.  I found a mix of new and used equiptment.  They should be in this week and I am thinking the speakers will be my weak point at this time.  New system:
Innuos MiniMK II to the Chord Qutest to an Audio Hungary APR 204 to First Watt F7.
I have read a bit on the Rethm Maarga and they sound interesting, but no dealer within 250 miles to hear them in person.  I really like the sound of my MarkAudio Sota speakers and also considering Viotti Towers. I have heard a lot of people singing the praise of Double impacts by Tekton (but have not heard them either).
Any suggestions are welcome and thanks in advance for your comments


Showing 1 response by lak

I agree with the above post.
There is a wealth of very good speakers available.
Recently, I've been impressed with the Focal brand and they use quality parts and offer a variety of models at various price points.