Thoughts about buying a Bedini 100

Hello to all...

Have never had a tube amp. 2 vintage Bedini amps for sale close to me: Bedini 100 for $500, Bedini 150 for $900...

Thoughts/suggestions for those with vintage tube amp experience, especially Bedini owner/former owners.

Thanks for your comments and suggestions...

Showing 1 response by hgeifman

Many years ago, I owned the Bedini 25/25 amplifier and liked it very much.  

HOWEVER, as noted above by @atmasphere, I also suggest you have any Bedini amplifier you purchase get FULLY checked out that includes getting the filter capacitors in the power supply replaced before you start using the amplifier.   Because of its age, some of the wiring (and other parts) may also need to be replaced.   This could be expensive but I do not know.    

Maybe the more important question is how do you find a qualified Tech to do these repairs.  Based on the age of these amplifiers, maybe you should consider other newer amplifiers.