Those of you having experience with Manley Shrimp

I have purchased the Shrimp and am interested in what you are using for power amps. At this point I want to go with a solid state amp, then possibly tubes down the road. A local dealer has a used McCormack DNA-1,comments? But at the moment I am open to suggestions-want to go used-get the best bang for the buck.

Showing 1 response by mcarroccio

I've had a Shrimp for only a few weeks and have it paired up with an Ayre V3, a solid state 100 wpc power amp. The combo is quite good. I think the McCormack DNA-1 would make a great mate for the Shrimp. To quote the Manley Shrimp manual... "As a rule, power up your amplifier last, power it down first so it does not amplify any stray noises which could occur upstream from source components powering up or down."