Thomas Mayer 46 SE tube AMP? What's it worth

Hi all, just looking for some advice really.

i have stumbled across what appears to be some high end audio equipment, but really have no idea on it's worth. It includes the following:
A pair of Harbeth speakers,
Thorens record deck, with a Swissonor TA10 arm.
Rhea Aesthetix Pre-Amp?,
Thomas Mayer 46 SE Amplifier,
Pass Aleph P Amplifier?
Gamut CD Player
Loricraft vinyl cleaning machine.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Showing 2 responses by stevo1

Thanks for the advice so far.
I am still negotiating to buy the equipment, but want to be sure that I'm going to profit and also want to be sure that my offer is competitive and fair to the seller.


Thanks again for the feedback.I am a vinyl record dealer based in the UK, but sometimes end up with Audio Equipment thrown into the deal.

I think I have worked most of it out now, but to be honest still not sure the worth of the Thomas Mayer.

