This Sounds Like A Pretty Good Deal -- Opinions?

Fellow music lovers,


I have the chance to purchase a McIntosh MC-225 that has already been gone over by a pro and been refurbished along with a McIntosh C11 that has undergone the same loving treatment.  I can purchase both for a total of $3,500 or just the MC-225 for $1,800.  Basically getting a deal from a good friend of a good friend.  I already have an ARC SL-17 I was going to use as the Preamp, but he is making it very hard not to take both pieces.  The MC-225 and C-11 are currently hooked up together in one of his vintage systems.


I guess I'm looking for validation and help at spending my money, LOL.  Is it a no-brainer to buy both pieces?  Does anyone have any experience with an MC-225 paired with a C-11 or an ARC SP-17?  Which had best synergy together?  These pieces would be pushing a 1987 pair of Klipsch Forte's with the Crites Crossover upgrades, and most likely only have a turntable with phono preamp and a streaming unit connected.  Turntable and phono preamp to be determined -- streaming device is a Bluesound Node.


Thank you for your input.


Showing 1 response by jl35

great gear, but agree "gone over and refurbished by a pro" is meaningless without lots of details...