This Schitt is totally refreshing in the world of high end audio!

Do yourself a favor and watch this when you have a few quiet moments.

The guys from Schitt Audio talk candidly in a way that is almost abnormal for manufacturers.  I found it informative, hilarious at times, and totally refreshing.

Showing 8 responses by wolf_garcia

Jab...I was responding to a previous post, and that whooshing sound you hear is likely the sound of things going over your head.
Offensive is in the eye of the beholder, and the offended beholder is generally unaware of the real world or prefers to not have their "church lady" reality bubble punctured by uncensored wit...Carlin, Lenny Bruce, nearly every great comic out there today, all funny to those not chained to the post of ignorance and piety. 
Since my Freya and power amp both use 6SN7GTBs I now have a pile of these things, and the original tubes (mystery Russian 6N8S) sounded fine. No microphonics from those or NOS RCAs, Sylvania, or new version Tung Sols...I currently have RCAs in the input and Sylvanias in the output. Great sounding tubes, great sounding preamp.
Note that the new table will supposedly come with feet called Schiit Floaters. 
If he's not happy with the Freya I hope he doesn't mention that, as I would hate to see this Schiit love fest tainted by a bad report. I'm still not fully recovered from somebody commenting they didn't like my particular single ended amp...thin skinned? Oh yeah...
Ha...nice...My table works great, but is old and I've been "new table curious" for take yer time Jason, I can wait.
I consider my Freya to be plenty glitzy, but I might have a low threshold of glitz. And to answer the question of what it costs to "beat it," it's exactly seven thousand three hundred six dollars and twelve cents. You're welcome. I have two Magni 3s (which equal one Magni 6 I suppose), one for the main system and one for my night stand listening needs (recently acquired Grado 325e phones...a seriously great sounding matchup), and a Loki I use sparingly as hey, I'm a purist. I haven't had time to calculate what it would cost to "beat" those items because I simply don't care....when's that turntable coming out?