Thinking Out Loud

I have been interested in checking out the “tube sound” for some time and just bought a Schiit Freya+ to pair with my SS amp.  The Freya+ replaces, or compliments, a Parasound P5 preamp I have been using.  I don’t know whether to just set aside the Parasound pre and go with the Freya+, as I don’t know how to incorporate both into my system so I could just switch between them.

A bigger issue surfaced when I realized the Freya+ doesn’t have a dac, not even for phono use.  So it wasn’t as simple as getting the Freya+ and dropping it into the system, I now need to supply a dac for at least the phono.  I had previously purchased a Audiolab CD transport, which lacks a built-in dac.  To remedy that, I bought a Pro-ject Dac Box 2 that I was just using with the Audiolab via the RCA-type connection.  I know this dac has other connections, but I’m not sure if I can connect it to the Freya+ using the other connections.  The Pro-ject has no power off button, so I have been plugging and unplugging it each time I play a CD.  Now I would have to do that each time I want to play vinyl — a bit annoying.

I think my problem is that I approached things piecemeal, adding/substituting gear without realizing up front the problems in doing that.  Do I just switch to the Freya+ full-time or is there a good way to incorporate both preamps?  Do I try to use the Pro-ject dac with available connections, or do I retire the Pro-Ject and buy a more full-featured dac equipped to handle multiple devices easily?

Showing 13 responses by bob540

I was confused when I posted about needing dac to play vinyl. I have a Denon DP-300f turntable and a number of records that I do play. The Denon has a switch that it calls an “equalizer” that is turned off when the TT is plugged into the preamp phono section and turned on when plugged into any of the other inputs. From what I have read, the on-board equalizer is not that good and it is best to use the preamp phono stage. This equalizer is what I erroneously called the “dac”.  But as the equalizer is not good and the Schiit doesn’t come with a phono input, that was why I was wondering if I need something in between the TT and the Schiit.

I don’t have any complaints about the P5, but I read (here and elsewhere) that it has the older Burr Brown dac chip which is considered inferior to the ESS Sabre chip found in the P6 and others.  I thought the Freya+ might be a step up too (?).  
Hey I just wanted to switch things up — you know how that is!  😉
@oldhvymec, @jtcf, I have a Parasound zphono usb that I’m not using. THAT could be the phono stage to use into the Freya?  😳
@chorus, My listening room is 14’ x 19’, knotty pine paneled with brick fireplace.  Gear is against one of the short walls with frequent foot traffic passing right in front.  Haven’t used any room treatments but I have a large upholstered sectional that dominates room and I think would reduce reflections.  Not an ideal arrangement but it’s what I have.  The only room option I have is the front room, 17’ square, but the front door is right there and I don’t want anyone coming to door to see my gear.

I mostly listen low-to-moderate sound level and variety of music but mostly older rock/old country/blues — not against modern music if its good but most is not my taste.  My speakers are a pair of Martin-Logan XT60’s and two SVS SB 2000 subs.  I try to go bang-for-the-buck on gear, so I try to avoid spend thousands on any one piece.  Probably have $8500 in what I have, including the Freya+.
I have yet to experiment with adding the Freya to my system,  Will try some combinations and see what pleases.  Thank you for all your suggestions. 
@ozzy62, my amp is Parasound A21.

I think I will print out the instructions here so I can follow them as needed.  Thanks again for your input.  
Today I hooked the Freya+ into my system.  It was a pain in ass just getting everything apart.  I see photos of others’ systems here and the cables are so neat — mine looks like a mass of spaghetti tied into a Gordian knot!  I ended up disassembling everything, wires and all.  Getting it back together wasn’t much easier and it looks very jumbled.  I will figure out the aesthetics later.

I must say — it was worth it.  The Freya+ brings the sound out more, especially the higher sounds.  I was expecting a “mellow” sound, as that is what everyone talks about with tubes, but it was the highs that were pronounced.  The bass was subdued and really needed my subs on to give some balance.  Still, the sound is a bit bright.  I haven’t yet hooked up the Parasound zphono to use as phone pre but that will be next.  
Hooked up TT through zphono and into Freya+.  Had to turn on the rumble filter on the zphono with the Freya in solid state mode, but didn’t need it for tube mode.  Again, I most notice the high sounds with the tubes and not the warm mellowness others spoke of.  Still, it sounds good.
@ghdprentice, my TT is a Denon DP-300f.  I bought an inexpensive turntable because I had been away from that medium for a long time and had memories of noisy, popping play.  Of course, back then my idea of record cleaning was a swipe with a Discwasher brush.  Back then, my care of records was really bad, with records left out of their sleeves, hit with drops of beer, soda or food, and a lot of dust.  I have since bought a Spin Clean and now a Record Doctor and the vinyl sounds much better than I remembered.  Maybe one day I will upgrade the TT but for now it is what I have.  

@hshifi, Thank you for your detailed instructions.  I have Morrow cables on order and will work on connections more when those arrive.  
@lowrider57, The tubes are those that came with the Freya+ . . JJ tubes, made in Slovakia (same country my Pro-Ject was manufactured in).  The tubes are said to be good ones and less expensive than the Tung Sol tubes people really like. 
Follow-up:  Giving the tubes time to settle in, the sound has become more full and not dominated so much by the highs.  I think I like this!

Haven't bought any other tubes yet, but I think I will try some Tung-Sols.  All the ads I have seen are limited to matched pairs, but there are four tubes.  I’m guessing that since each pair is devoted to a different function, I just need the two tubes devoted to that function to be matched, not all four, right?
@oldhvymec, I read about the red plating and flame out tubes, which seemed to be a premium feature. Worth the money, eh?  And if I get a pair of matched tubes (instead of two matched pairs to replace all), I should put one new tube on one function and the other tube on the other function, instead of having the matched tubes together on one function (I think one function is input and the other function is output)?