Thinking of replacing my Bat spaceheater with class D, real world thoughts please

Ok so I know there are already lots of threads on class D both negative and positive

As I have had a very positive result with replacing the ss amps in my ht rig with a single tiny Nuforce class D amp I was tempted to look into the same for my stereo rig.

This is a little more difficult as my present amp is a BAT VK600SE, 120LB of muscle and heat.

Now I am in love with my present sound but still am very curious if class D could do anything for me as it certainly did in the ht rig although those ss amps were not in the BAT league to start with.

So I would like to hear from people who have actually gone this route, replaced their expensive, heavy, power consuming amps with tiny little cold running boxes and what their results were.

Was it uplifting, about the same or make you wish you had never heard of class D!


Showing 4 responses by skiroe

Oh yeah,   the BAT you have  is a beast.  great  amp and certainly can be fun at times.   I wouldn't be able to run it though like all the time.   .   best thing is switching off  from the smelter   to other amps at times so as not to heat up the house on a summer day.   Thats what I have to do - take a break from the Pass and the BAT probably is warmer.        
I forgot to mention--- I had the PS Audio GCA-100  class D amp that came out after the HCA-2.   GCA is a  great sounding amp as well... The HCA-2 had quite a following though and many preferred that earlier version.  
Been there --  the  simple answer at least for me is  --- Ive wound up relegating  the class d for duty in hot weather.     I wouldn't be in a hurry to sell your BAT although that sounds like a bit of heavy weight and likely equivalent good listening could be had with an amp that weighs half as much or so.    I would have to see what model that it is and if its  tube ,  in my experience,   that Class D will not be as satisfying as the tube or  s/s  class A or A/B amp..   Its a different sound and has it place  and can sound good-- It obviously works wonders as a lot of people go with the class d as main amp.... To me I just seem to get a little more from conventional amplification topologies.     I like to mix em up.   tube amp,  class a/b amps,  class A amp (Pass)    and a Trends for the hot weather-- all used among 2 systems.   A good buy available in the classifieds right now is the PS Audio---HCA 2  or something like that.   Lot of raves on that amp..  Good way to check out class D .   Have fun.  
Its not surprising that W4S are  good listening.   They were Cullen in their previous iteration and were making the class D amps for PSA back then.. The internals I suspect and I don't know more that that-- If I recall correctly.        Class D   can excel depending on system synergy... just like any other setup.    And a credit to its capability and sonic  virtue--Im using a diminutive  $180 Trends class D without readily discernible dysfunction.  Certainly would have to A/B with another amp to perceive the difference  and  those I have here all cost much more as well.