Thinking of investing in either Yamaha AS300 or Luxman l509X.

Hello All... 
I am thinking of buying  my next amp and decided to seriously consider these two.Yamaha AS300 or Luxman L509X..
Does any one have any thoughts regarding how they compare?
My speakers are Sopra 2. My listening room is medium size, with minimal treatment (12x32x9 ceilings). I tend to listen about 10 feet from my speakers. I like to listen to Rock  (50%) Jazz (25%) and other vocals such as Alison Krauss , Pat Barber,Tony Bennet, Michael Buble, etc. I listen to vinyl and streaming thru Bluos. Probably 70% streaming and 30 vinyl.

My tendency is to upgrade my  equipment every couple of years. So resale of the amp is important.  I am buying used and have found a couple of deals where the amps are priced within 10% of each other.

Your thoughts are appreciated. Thank you.

Ag insider logo xs@2xesus1us
The Yamaha is now discontinued and was a bit of a pig at times. My friend has one and it just shuts down unexpectedly whenever it likes. That has been a major drawback of this amp and when it shuts down it has to go back to Yamaha to get reset and it has happened 5 times since he got it.
I am certainly going to advise the Luxman on the previous statement alone. I have a stunning Luxman headphone amp which has totally blown away all the headphone amps I have previously listened to so that is why I am going to go with the amp you are looking at.
No I definitely wouldn't recommend the Yamaha even though when working it sounds great. 
I’ve also read that the Y3000 had some reliability issues. The new 3200 seems better. But compared to Luxman 509 - no contest. Luxman every day.

if you were asking about the Yamaha 3200 vs some lesser (imo) integrateds than the flagship Luxman, such as krell k300i, Cambridge Edge A, maybe a $5-6k Pass Labs, Hegel 390, etc, then the Yamaha is in a fairer fight. Ymmv

but that would be for the 3200, not the 3000
Really good data...I had no idea that the 3000 had these problems. 
I am glad that I checked with the forum. 

Thanks to all who participated!