Thinking about swapping out my Class D SDS-470C for a pair of Schiit Aegir on Magnepan LRS

I’ve had the SDS-470C/LRS combo for half a year now and I’m left wondering what else is out there. I’m okay with sacrificing some dynamics for a touch more warmth, better soundstaging, detail, and depth. 150 watts into 4 ohms seems small compared to what I have now, but I’m actually using so little of the volume knob that there’s channel imbalance.

I plan on buying a REL eventually to fill out the bass, if that helps.


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I have owned 5 different class D manufacturers amps. Far and away the best so far is Rick Schultz EVS 1200. It also added a lot more bass than all the others.

Check it out. He offers money back guarantee