Thinking about Laptop system - Newbie Questions

As an old timer (listening to 50% vinyl/50% CD), all this music server stuff is very new to me, but I am somewhat computer literate. I was thinking about building a nice little laptop based music server. Thinking about either a Logitech Transporter or Squeezebox Duet with separate DAC. I have a wireless router close enough to the 2 channel system so I can go either wireless or Ethernet.
Laptop is Toshiba with 4 Gb RAM, 340 Gb HD. I would use a stand-alone HD to store music.
So, I have a few questions: Transporter vs. Duet/DAC?
What format to store music? WAV, FLAC, etc.?
Can I still use the laptop while playing music?
Any other helpful hints?

Sorry for all the newbie questions. I am doing as much research as I can before I jump into this.

Thanks for any info.

Showing 4 responses by smholl

Rakuennow- I like the suggestion of forgoing the Logitech devices, just using laptop and DAC. One problem I have is that where I use the laptop is across the room from the DAC. Would need to use a long cable. Also, my laptop has 3.5mm digital (optical) output. I could go Toslink into a DAC.
Richard - It would be much easier for my installation to use a SB Duet or Transporter. How is the sound quality of the SB Duet without DAC? Is it listenable until I get a DAC?
Well, I decided to go with a Squeezebox Duet and Cambridge Dac Magic to start my music server adventure. It should give me a good base to start with. Now need to get a nice HD and back-up to store my tunes.
Thanks to all for supplying some great info.
I have decided to use FLAC instead of wma lossless, since it is a native format for Squeezebox Duet. Using a trial version of dBpoweramp to rip and/or convert. EAC seems to be a little too complicated for me.