Thinking About a New CD Player

Well new to me.

Been thinking it might be time to upgrade my old CD player that I've been using for the past 8+ years. It's a Sonic Frontiers SFCD-1 and I still like its sound. However it's a 20 bit machine and am looking to "upgrade to 24 bit.

Don't want to spend more than around $1600. My short list: BAT VK-5, Cary 303-300 and Meridian 508.24.

Welcome your thoughts and opinions on these and any others, including reasons why, you'd care to suggest.


Showing 1 response by chayro

Buconero - in a previous post about the Oppo, you stated that one would have to spend ten grand to better it. Now you say it will better "some units costing $5K and above". What caused you to lower opinion of this unit?