Thinking about a McIntosh Preamp

My current system includes:
Thorens Turntable
Ayre CD Player
Krell KCT Preamp
Krell FPB 400cx Amp
Revel F32 Performa Speaker

Im 73 years old now and I don’t listen to music like I did 10 or 15 years ago.  Back in the day whenever I turned the system on I was breaking windows and blowin’ doors off, and I still do when I’m showing off.  And at high sound pressure levels I am very satisfied with the performance.   But most of the time I am listening at lower volume levels and I don’t feel I am getting the full sound the system has to offer.  Hence the interest in a McIntosh preamp with the 8 band EQ ( it may also have a loudness switch, I’m not sure).  Does anyone have experience fronting a Krell style Class A power amp with a Mac pre?  I would love to hear your thoughts.

Buy it, if you have the scratch!

 Can’t spend it when your gone. 

I've used Mac preamps on every power amp I've ever owned.

50 Years in June. Mcintosh, Krell, Pass, Threshold, Parasound, Cary, Nord, Ampzilla, Denon POA, Adcom, Phase Linear, Western Electric, VTL, Condon Johnson, and ARC. I know I missed a few...

No tone control, NO THANKYOU... I currently own C11, C20, C22, C45, C2500, MX110, MX120, MX121 and I just sold a MX150.

They work with anything I've found...

BTW I own a Krell 5.1 HT that had one of the best DACs, Sub control, and remotes ever made... 20+ years old now.. Still plugging away..

I can’t tell what the pairing would sound like, but I love having tone and loudness controls when listening at low volumes. It may not be “pure” but so what. Go for it. I have mixed and matched McIntosh amps with other pre’s and have not had an issue. I doubt it would be an issue the other way around. 
Bad idea the krell .is far better use roon with. Built  in eq to accomplish the same thing

Please contact us we can guide you through the.process

Dave and troy
Audiointellect nj
Roon specialists