Think ill just go with a lumin

Starting out anew. reading all of the post into the wee evening hours, and getting more and more confused, I think I may just get a Lumin DAC/streamer combo. D2 or T2 i suppose, maybe an S1 if i can find one a little cheaper and I scrimp and save a little more.

My situation is rebuilding from scratch, so waiting for pieces to come together. Going with a Mac MA 352, and a pair of devore o96 speakers. Smallish room, just plan on streaming and putting a turntable onto the system, but nothing else. Figure i will just subscribe to tidal or Qbouz for the convenience, although anything appl conected is a plus. Will have a hard wire connection and decent wifi. I suppose i am most worried about how technology may change, and whether I should go R2R, but that rabbit hole started to make my head hurt.

If anyone has some opinions, either it wont work or seems like a solid approach, views are much appreciated.



Showing 1 response by nolojunko

All things being equal (budget limits, tech' advancements, desired SQ level), I'd never employ a combo DAC/streamer - never.  I faced the same decisions as you; and after decades in HiFi and equipment swapping, I, too, pretty much started over once I added digital into the system equation.  I am so glad I went with a separate DAC and streamer.  My DAC is here to stay for a while...a long while; but the streamer will likely change due to rapid tech advances in price, SQ, and software/OS/APP stability and options.  It is easy these days to buy a super high end DAC for a relatively modest price - in fact so good that many would see no need to move up.  With streamers, it's a little different.