Think I ruined stylus

Help me out please, think I ruined my stylus! Have a Rega Exact 2, about 3 months old. 
Was listening to a record with my lady the other night.. we got to doing .. you know.. things.. left record playing and went upstairs for a couple hours. Obviously record ended and the stylus kept tracking. 

Went to play record yesterday and sound is just loud noise - maybe can barely make out some music… 


I didn’t think letting the record track at end would result in this! 


Showing 1 response by dynacohum

Exact is a nude mounted stylus tip. Look closely at it in a strong light. If you see the diamond tip there, it’s probably fine, just dirty. Bonded tips can shear off, but nude ones…I have never seen it. Little Fwend or Safety Raiser in future, stylus cleaning gizmo now. Hudson HiFi has an electric one that combines a solvent, a vibrator and a brush effect for $40.00.