Thin Line Between Critique and Courtrooms: A Dialogue on the Recent Audiophile Drama

Hey Audiogonians,

In the vast, vibrant universe of audio reviews, where the line between subjective opinion and objective analysis often blurs, a new saga unfolds. It involves a Youtuber, well-known within our community for their take on speaker designs – designs that, while innovative, haven't shied away from criticism. The plot thickens with another Youtuber's revelation: the speaker's designer and manufacturer has filed a lawsuit against a reviewer over their less-than-glowing feedback.

The core of the debate? Whether it's acceptable to push back against reviewers when their findings diverge from what manufacturers desire. It's not a new drama; history is littered with tales of reviewers facing legal threats for daring to express their truth. Yet, each story brings a fresh perspective on the delicate dance between free speech and brand reputation.

This particular episode raises several intriguing questions:
- Where do we draw the line between constructive criticism and damaging feedback?
- Is the courtroom really the arena for settling disputes over reviews, or should dialogue prevail?
- And crucially, what does this mean for the future of honest, independent audio reviews?

This isn't just about the nitty-gritty of legal battles, many of which remain cloaked in confidentiality and technical jargon. It's about the principle: the right to voice one's opinion in a space that thrives on diversity of thought.

So, fellow audiophiles, what's your take? Have you ever felt swayed by a review, only to discover a different truth upon listening? Have you faced the ire of those who didn't appreciate your candid feedback?

📢Let's make this a discussion to remember – not just for the controversy, but for the unity and respect we can foster, even in disagreement.



Showing 3 responses by mlsstl

I've read through the ASR stuff on this matter and would like to point out that the site's review of the Mini Lore speaker wasn't really bad or negative -- it was basically "so-so" which isn't a surprise for a company's lowest-end model. 

Tekton's initial defense was that they design their speakers for their subjective sound characteristics, not measurements.  Had they only left it at that!  That's a perfectly legitimate approach.  Lots of well-known and popular audio gear doesn't score in the top ranges of ASR's "numbers" approach to evaluation and it doesn't hurt the company and their customers remain perfectly happy.  ASR fan-boys were probably never much of a market for Tekton to start with.

The issue was Tekton's over-the-top response -- complaining about the test results being wrong but refusing to provide any evidence of their own. And the threat of litigation didn't play well either.  I can't imagine a worse way for a manufacturer to response to a so-so review than what's been done here.  The way they've handled things will probably chase off far more prospective buyers than anything the review had to say.

@jl35 "I can no longer find the Tekton YouTube video where Eric states " I didn’t sue anyone" was the beginning of a long response..."

The video has been reposted on ASR in the thread where this whole debacle started (page 81.)  We'll see if it stays up there, but I could see "someone" objecting and complaining about copyright infringement or such.


The irony of this self-inflicted wound for Tekton is that the original ASR review was in October 2023. It had gone dormant at 8 pages over just a few weeks, still within that month. Things didn’t start up again until Eric inserted himself into the discussion in February 2024, outraged at a so-so review instead of a glowing one. His threats of litigation followed shortly afterward which did nothing except throw gasoline and a lit match on the thread. The ASR thread is now approaching 100 pages with over 1,900 posts and has spread to a number of other audio web sites (including this one....)

A master class for business owners in how not to handle a so-so review.