I totally hear you :) Then again, you had the invaluable benefit of being guided by perhaps the most qualified person on Earth. This, I think you will agree, is an unusual circumstance.
I was on my own for my last rebuild, short of conjuring a séance with Arnie Nudell. I don’t have quite all the skills to modify / redesign 5-way, 7-driver crossovers with any expectation of actually improving them.
I stand by my earlier comment as it applies to most enthusiasts; barring an expert guiding us, I do believe replacing same with same is the course of action most likely to yield success.
To put things in perspective, 14 out of 14 electrolytics I replaced tested perfectly fine, both ESR and capacitance, despite being almost 45 years old. I did find three bad resistors and one bad rheostat though, which I wouldn’t have expected.