Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Showing 11 responses by stringreen

I had a pair of 3.5 (or 6)...anyway, my wife passed and I needed a present so I replaced them.....but I really thought they were wonderful.
Tomic601,,,,I would advise to be careful of the tilt.  Floors are generally not level, and the difference accurate alignment is ...especially on phase correct speakers... is very noticeable.  Get a laser pen, put it on top of the left speaker, move it left/right to shine on the opposite wall.  Put a post-it on that wall, mark an X where the laser the other side and raise/lower one speaker to match the X on the wall. 
Thiel speakers are really very, very good and should have the best amplification ...I haven't heard Class D amps sound good enough for them...just sayin. 
tomic601,,,,,re: tilt - true, except if the floor is not level.   I have Vandersteens and Richard advised me to use a laser to correct any inaccuracies.  I found that Vandy's (Thiels I'm sure as well) snap into better focus if speakers are exactly in the same plain.  Let me know if you need the procedure.
obigny...yes Thiels are full range, I would use subs anyway - even 2. Its not that you’re adding booming bass, its that you’re evening the presentation, and letting your amps coast. You’ll be amazed at how the mids clear up.

Re: Nordost....I think they will be a poor match.  I personally like Wireworld, but each cable sounds should choose your own flavor.
I had 3.6's.   ...when my wife got sick and passed I needed a present so bought B&W something Diamond ....Thiel's were much better....mistake.
These speakers are really good and therefore have to be matched with really good electronics.   If there are flaws in the preceding components, cables, etc. they will be exposed.  Thiels can be wonderful or really annoying if great care is not observed.

I remember using Purist cables on my Thiels......they seemed to tame the highs and expand the mids/depth/width.

I had the 3.6....listen to Vandersteens.....the same kind of sound....Thiels are a bit more brilliant (high frequency favoring)

I had a 3.6 .  Although they were voiced differently than Vandersteen offerings, what they did have and what I respond to is phase coherency.