Thiel CS5 modifications

I have seen many up-grade and modifications of various hi-fi gear and speakers, but look here!
One of the most complex crossover ever made is extracted from this huge loudspeaker model to arrange a five ways multiwiring crossover panel from the original single one! Not an easy task for sure. I bet this has been done to reduce and divide the tremendous power needed by the CS5 in the original configuration. It's the second link in the landing page:
"You hit the target here. As I said before, Zd is only a youngster, he has to be understood. There's the need of guys like him! The funny thing is that without seeing it, he is the biggest friend of Cheviot, upping furiously this thread :) :)
Maybay (Answers | This Thread)"

Thanks. My dead grandmother always said its better to be young than old. As far as me being Cheviot's best friend, you may want to confirm that one with him first. Something tells me he may not agree. Although he's welcome to stop by for dinner any time he likes. I'll make his favorite dish. Filet of Thiel. We have this new butcher in town...
I have to say that once 911, when called, run faster...
Anyway I haven't it in for anyone here, it's just that when someone screams I usually keep quiet.

Thanks Zd542, I would like to stop for dinner but we are distant for all practical purposes: I am vegetarian no filet please. All of you (all!) are invited for a dish of spaghetti: we will discuss of the latest news I had last Sunday: the modifications made by Mr. Dissanayake to Infinity IRS V.
Ah! Believe me even without pictures.
Hi guys

I've seen a lot of fun here and could not avoid to comment : ). It looks like all of you are super experts and technical skilled guys more than me (in this area) so that you can comment on how the design is made and what are the right rules to be applied to improve a speaker. That's great!

But being an electronic engineer and daily dealing with technical design issues I'd like to point out that in any product there are NO fixed rules. Any board or circuit could be improved or work even better thanks to some small changes. Since there are no test evidence posted here of what is better before and after the modification, my personal view is that we would need to listen to this product with and without modifications and then take a decision.

So Cheviot, thanks for pointing this out, I'm very interested to check wether this modification is really making difference...cheers guys

I know someone that took apart his Vandersteen 5 speakers and "modified" this and that. Different yes.....but better?? Richard V saw the mods and although he tried to disuade the owner....upps. I wonder if the Thiel owner could live with his mods ...the Vandersteen guy sold his
@steffa2: I don't know if you are an audiophile or not, it doesn't care, you are welcome the next time to listen to these loudspeakers. I can ask the owner to set the cables as before the mods, to listen to the difference.

@Stringreen: only the owner can decide. As I said before no one with sane mind and body will ever spend 9.200$ for a pair of good loudspeakers like these and then let someone mess with the crossovers without care. No this isn't the case.
As for me, I listened to this pair of CS5 finding it very impressive with slight differences in the mid-bass region in comparison to the original one.
Their owner has chosen to keep them after all these years, instead of selling and pass to something else and I can agree with his decision.