Thiel CS 2.4 Amplifier Pairing

Was looking to purchase a pair of Thiel CS 2.4 to try.  My amplifiers are Yamaha MX-1 and Yamaha MX-1000.  Would this be a good match to use? I've read alot about Thiel speakers needing alot of power and many of the forum users have Classe, Krell, ML,amps, etc... The speakers I currently use are Elac Vela 403 BS and B&W 803 Nautilus in a 20x25 room.  Thiels are lengendary and the sound signature might not be for everyone but I would love to try them to hear them.  Cheers


Showing 3 responses by jazzman7

It’s a rare integrated that match up well with Thiel, and they do tend to be more expensive fare. (Other integrated amps that I had thought about included those from Krell, Ayre and BAT). With my Bryston 3BST at 125 watts into 8 and 200 into 4 music was very enjoyable. With my Coda, 150 into 8 (w/ first 18 in Class A), 300 into 4 and 600 into 2, there is a grip and ease which the 3BST can’t match.

The Thiel 2.4s are great speakers.  I've had a pair in my main rig since 2011.  The key is to have a true high current amp that can handle the fact that the speaker impedance falls to something less than 2.8 ohms at 600 hz (see the Stereophile review for John Atkinson's measurements).  I first drove them with a Bryston 3BST which was decent.  As of last year I've been using a Coda CSIB integrated amp, and it's an absolutely great match.  I suggest reaching out to Yamaha and getting a read at how well the Yamaha amps do with  nominally 4 ohm speakers with impedance that drops below 3 ohms.  The Thiel speakers are awesome, but the impedance curve is simply wicked.  They work best with an amp whose output continues to double down as you halve the impedance.



No, I've never had a problem with the midrange drivers.  As far as I know my midrange drivers are original. I am not the original owner, and bought them from the same dealer that originally sold them when the original owner traded them in for Thiel 3.7s. When I bought them the speakers were 5 years old and in excellent condition and I’ve never had a problem with them. Prior to the Thiel 2.4s I had Thiel .5s in my main rig.