Thiel 1.5 vs. 2.3

I have a pair of Thiel 1.5 speakers and am comtemplating moving up to the 2.3s. I'm sure there are people here who have heard both in their systems, and I would appreciate any comments. I've read the reviews and heard them at a dealer, but there's nothing like feedback from people who've lived with speakers.

Thanks -- David

Showing 1 response by glen

I owned the 1.5's for about a year. I really liked them in a small room with an integrated 100-watt amp and some decent MIT cabling.

After I sold the 1.5's I picked up a demo pair of 3.6ers. These babies rocked the house, but 100 watts just didn't cut it any more, so I upgraded to separates with a Classe Ca301 (That’s 300 into 8 ohms) powering the system.

I then tweaked all the cabling to balanced Mit 330's with 750-shotgun speaker cable. This did a nice job of taking the bite out. I'm currently tweaking the cabling up one more notch to MIT 770 twin speaker cables with 350 twin reference interconnects.

Thiels with MIT cabling are a match made in heaven. Especially if you’re running all solid state.