Thiel 1.5 vs. 2.3

I have a pair of Thiel 1.5 speakers and am comtemplating moving up to the 2.3s. I'm sure there are people here who have heard both in their systems, and I would appreciate any comments. I've read the reviews and heard them at a dealer, but there's nothing like feedback from people who've lived with speakers.

Thanks -- David

Showing 1 response by abecollins

I love my Thiel 1.5's with CJ Premier 11a tube amp. I also have Audio Research VT100MKII which has more punch and dynamics but I think the CJ is a better match for my taste. I like the Thiel sound so this thread was helpful to me too in that I am thinking of getting bigger Thiels. Not sure if the CJ Premier 11a will drive a bigger set to their fullest potential (so thats why I have the VT100MKII waiting in the wings). If I find I don't like the sound, I may get CJ monoblocks and sell the ARC amp. Both are outstanding amps, just different sound.