They're Here

The latest SGHT has a DVD player from Apex in the New Products section that purports to have multi-channel SACD and DVD-A capability, along with CD, CDR, CDRW and MP3 playback capability. It also has progressive scan output and lists for $350.

I've also just happened across a couple of SACD and DVD-A releases while browsing the local music emporium that looked tempting. Is it possible we're turning the corner? I don't think I'm going to buy this particular model, but I'm guessing a new player isn't that far off in my future. -Kirk


Showing 3 responses by tireguy

I think by spring their are suppose to be models available from McIntosh and Audio Aero that do the same thing, so yes I think the future is here.
I was visiting an audiophile friend last night and we were discussing how it would be very possible that even on the high end players there may be some comprimise made. That is to say if a good player does it all, there has to be a weakness, be it SACD, DVD-a or redbook cd's. What good is a high end multi-format player if it sacrafices performance at the expense of an additional format(which you may not use!). Some food for thought

Flex you bring up some interesting points, I guess the only answer at this point is time will tell. I would enjoy a player that was cabable of doing a good job on all formats, I just don't see it being available any time soon, and if it is it will be very expensive.