They know we will pay anything they can think of

Anyone have any idea how long ago Hifi manufacturers discovered we (audiophiles) will pay almost anything chasing our perfect sound? I individualized it because each of us are reaching for our own personal nirvana. You can go to any audio show, see someone point to a piece of equipment and ask the price. Out comes a price you know the rep made up while sitting in his office wondering how much he can ask those sick people to pay. We know advertising, manufacturing, and overhead is relatively expensive but we also know that the asking price should take care of that if he sells maybe 4 or 5 of them all year. Knowing that I have paid quite a bit for equipment over the years that I knew I shouldn't have but did anyway.


Showing 1 response by oddiofyl

Valid question... sometimes in this hobby you fork out $$$ and actually get something world class.  Other times you have buyers remorse early on and realize you paid a lot for something that's no so great.  

Sometimes something comes along that Is such a great value price is almost irrelevant .   There have been some egregious price hikes since Covid,  that doesnt help either. 

Although if you use the CPI calculator you will see that great HiFi in 1965 cost just as much back then as it does now.  

My Dad bought  a pair of KLH 12 back in 1968, when I was 1.  They cost $550 a pair !   ...   that was like spending $5k today.   I guarantee my Klipsch Forte IV were a better value.