They know we will pay anything they can think of

Anyone have any idea how long ago Hifi manufacturers discovered we (audiophiles) will pay almost anything chasing our perfect sound? I individualized it because each of us are reaching for our own personal nirvana. You can go to any audio show, see someone point to a piece of equipment and ask the price. Out comes a price you know the rep made up while sitting in his office wondering how much he can ask those sick people to pay. We know advertising, manufacturing, and overhead is relatively expensive but we also know that the asking price should take care of that if he sells maybe 4 or 5 of them all year. Knowing that I have paid quite a bit for equipment over the years that I knew I shouldn't have but did anyway.


Showing 2 responses by czarivey

I’ve never called myself "we" even during communism and have seen stereo system built from scrap components (in Cuba) and sounding TERRIFIC.

Have you ever seen a card-board upright bass?


Time to become garage sale junkie driving around in pickup truck in the richest neighborhoods.

You can get everything there even cheaper.

I’m living example. I’ve forgotten path to hi-end dealer and I forgot an amazon and ebay link all together.

How about a couple of B&W N3 for $400 per pair MINT?

There's 88 years old dude with around 2b net-worth currently in the coma under the ventilator and he's got MBL speakers and components. His kids are both dumber then Coala bear and his wife has never been out of Rx drugs for the past few decades. Guess What's coming next...

    me offering 2 grand for entire set and if too low, I'll ad another 500.