The Who (Deluxe)

Just downloaded this album yesterday. I have to listen to it some more. It is listenable but it is not The Who. Pete is an excellent song writer and a great guitarist but if you listen to all their records I can't believe that you can not say the Who died with Keith Moon. John Entwistle's death put a stake through it's heart. This is the Pete Townsend Roger Daltrey group. Music has evolved but they have not. As Richard Thompson likes to say,"The Who, now they were art." If you ever saw them live you know how true this is. They were the Nine Inch Nails of their day. This record does not reflect that. 
Well, it looks like we have uncovered two camps here, the politically correct one and the obviously right one. I have nothing against old men playing music. I saw King Crimson a few months ago. Fripp and the gang knocked it out of the park as usual. I saw the Who the tour before last. Pete and Roger put on a great show playing their old stuff, polished, modern, not the Who. The Who could not last. Keith was on a self destruct course from the beginning and the others knew this. They desperately tried to keep him going because no one played the drums like him and probably no one ever will. He was a barely controlled explosion. 1+++ on Live at Leeds. Get the Deluxe Version!

I sat next to Pete Townsend at a dinner during a reunion tour of North America in 1989. He asked if I enjoyed the concert. I said, yes, but, I preferred the rougher, more aggressive style of their earlier music. He replied, Well, I’m not that angry anymore.”

If anyone needs proof that The Who died long ago, read this article:

And then watch the 1979 documentary, "The Kids Are Alright," not the Hollywood movie,"The Kids Are All Right."

The difference is massive.

If anyone hasn't seen "The Kids Are Alright," it is one of the best rock documentaries ever made.  A must see for any Who fan.
Long time Who fan.

I wasn't aware of a recent release, but quick research indicates supporting musicians-Zak Starkey and Pino Palladino on the album,suggest solid performance. Roger and Pete wouldn't allow hack,sub par players to participate.

I'm too nostalgic to listen my surviving R&R heroes new stuff.  I was just old enough and fortunate,to catch them touring with Kenny Jones.I missed the Who are You tour,  with KM.

My fantasy would be  to get in the way back machine, be front and center watching Roger twirling his mic, Pete in his white jumpshoot and boots, at ridiculous volume-1969-75

Now and then, I blast my period presses of Live at Leeds and Quadraphenia-good times.