The ups and downs of tube vs. SS...

I’d like to hear from the people that have had both. Why tube? Why SS? What are the ups and downs of both? How does owning one or both differ? I’ve always owned SS, but also lusted after tubes....
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I started with SS, settled on Kenwoods. I love the fact that they had all three tone controls, I believe it's your system and you bought the music so play it how you want to hear it.
I tried Vinyl and did not see the big deal, and I grew up with records.
I bought a tube amp , an Dynaco ST70, unrestored and loved it. 
Now I am a tube guy, as much as I love those Kenwoods they just can't keep up with the warmth you feel listening to a tube amp.
 The sound is far superior to my ears, they are the only test equipment I need or use.
I now have tube amps running out my ears, I am a little compulsive, if one sounds this good what will another one sound like? My favorite is a Fisher 500C unrestored. It's my bedroom amp and gets the most listening time, It's like sex for the ears, Blues or classical but it loves everything.
Now I know why people love Vinyl, it took tubes to show the way.
Unlike a lot of people I just buy my stereos and play them, I build my own speakers but do have a few nice vintage speakers, Altec A7's, Bozak Symphony's,Wharfendale 90's. I had KHorns but sold them, it takes so little power to run these huge speakers, they love the tubes. 
I bought a Mcintosh SS preamp and a Mc 2105 because I heard so much about Mcintosh. I have not been impressed That Fisher 500C eats that Mc for lunch!
Just some of my ramblings, I have always been a skeptic of the popular and have to see for myself, you will never regret going to tubes.
+ 1 on the Fisher 500C. I bought one at a yard sale for $1 and had BWS Consulting upgrade it, including putting in some Bendix aircraft quality tubes. My Fisher 500C drove Fulton Nuance floorstanders for many years. No complaints here.
the 500C is a legend... in writing ... just wish I could see and listen to one!
As far as tubes, SS, and ups and downs goes... yes. nevereverending.