My system cost is too low to be mention but being embedded mechanically,electrically and acoustically so well in my room/house for my ears/brain that i am lost in music interpretation or experience ... Sound is no more an impediment for the recording experience ..
Then i am no more an audiophile, if i was one anyway, because i learned acoustic enough to know that the gear prices tags is secondary completely i am no more an audiophile focussed on gear buying collection ...I never was anyway , i was learning how to optimize my gear ...I succeeded...
You are not alone ...
I admit up front that I do not consider myself a true audiophile. The extreme sensitivity of audiophiles to differences to subtle for me to notice does not justify my wishing to have speakers costing six figures. The music’s emotional content and the orchestra’s performance is as intense in most systems for me.
I admit up front that I do not consider myself a true audiophile. The extreme sensitivity of audiophiles to differences to subtle for me to notice does not justify my wishing to have speakers costing six figures. The music’s emotional content and the orchestra’s performance is as intense in most systems for me.