"The Ultra High-End Speaker."

My entire relatively simple high end audio system retails for approx. $70,000, with my speakers alone retailing for approx. $24,000 (Revel Salon 2 speakers).  I've been around high-end audio for over 40 years.  I attend audio shows and visit local and non-local high-end audio shops on a regular basis.  I get to hears a lot of high-end audio speakers and gear all the time.  That said, I honestly believe, along with others who've visited my home and have listened to my system, that my system (speakers) produce that ultra high-end, reference quality sound.  Others would suggest that, when it comes to speakers, that the "Ultra High-End" sound can only be achieved by megabuck speakers costing 50K, 100K, 250k and beyond.  I do not believe that ultra high-end ("Sound Quality") is excusive to those speakers costing a king's ransom.  And, I think my own system is am example of what can be achieved at a lower (not for most people) price point.  I absolutely believe in the law of diminishing returns, especially when it comes to high-end speakers.  What's your definition, idea of, what you consider to be, a "Ultra High-End Speaker, and at what price point does the ultra high-end start?????            


Showing 1 response by steve59

I also owned the salon 2 and several other speakers in their price group. The persona 7f and usher be20dmd at the same time and being able to rotate speakers at will and listen as long as  wanted I was able to hear specifically to what they did different from each other. I didn't have the same luxury with components and used a Hegel H360 with all 3 speakers. The salon 2 with an 82 db sensitivity was significantly harder to drive so possibly why they sounded so lifeless compared with the other two, Yes matching with a db meter the salon 2 was still dynamically restricted  compared to the others, but a more powerful amp might have helped. The Persona 7f are excellent, but have to be 3-5' away from any reflective surfaces, they can change their stripes like no speaker i've ever heard. They can soundstage like a pair of mini monitors or large floorstanders just by changing placement. The 2x8" woofers are actually 8.25 inside the basket and can really push some air. Ushers had my favorite presentation regarding soundstage, imaging and tonal balance, but bass was too fat for my room and the speakers were to physically large to get away from boundary reinforcement. 

I found that all 3 speakers while different still had comparable quality with similar resolution ability and after owning all 3 at the same time I can't say 1 is better than the other. All 3 meet the bar of diminishing returns with excellent resolution and the deciding points after taste are room acoustics and components.

I landed on a different speaker entirely, but still couldn't help but add my .02.