The survival of the fittest.

I am constantly surprised at the vast number of speaker manufacturers. But many fall by the wayside. Plenty of reasons why they fail, but more interested in why certain makers continue to succeed.

Fit and Finish
Product availability
New technology
Manufacture association
Profit margin

I realize most of these in combination contribute but if you had to rank them my money is on the marketing and fit/finish, in that order with sound holding up the rear. Thoughts?

Showing 1 response by burtlake

Some good insights here.  As someone who’s been around ( lower) high end since the 70s I think it’s offering something unique (whether real or not) that makes a good story - previously thru reviews and dealers - now through word of mouth on the internet.  
The also need to keep evolving as others will come after your space unless you have patents like Ohm. 
Was a big/early fan of DCM back in the day (going to school in Ann Arbor).  Great value and unique approach but didn’t follow it up and becomes just another speaker company over time... they might have been sold over that time too and lost the vision of the company founders...