The sense of smell evokes memories, while the sense of hearing evokes emotions

MrD, you touched upon this in your recent post.
I thought it was a subject worth discussing here.
Music can move us through emotional connection, it is well known.
A question for all of you.
Does playing your music on your system increase emotional connection more than playing it through a less HiFi system? 
One aspect of audio equipment marketing is for it's technical ability to bring us closer to the music by "getting out of the way" disappearing as some reviewers say. Suppose there was a speaker or amp that excelled in providing emotional connection, but measured poorly. Would you be willing to disregard the measurements and just go with your ears or  your heart and soul? I believe that SET / horns systems are an example of this. This is not about promoting SET / horns, but just brought up as an example that some people may have already reached this conclusion. Just my thoughts, I welcome civilized and rational comments. I am open to those with a deeper understanding of this subject.

It is my brief experience that this IS a music lovers forum. At least there are some devoted, knowledgeable, articulate and sincere music lovers here.

And I feel like some of us did answer your question. At least I thought so. And I think maybe the answer is, it all depends.

As mentioned, some forms of very emotionally charged music, especially raw, simple, even primitive music do not require high end specs to move me.

There are certain symphonies that move me emotionally regardless of the system they are played on, but they do have more impact when played via a hi-fi system that fills the room with volume and richness. Likewise with an album like The Wall. 

I think it is also important to remember that we can physically feel music aside from with our ears. This is in part a product of volume. That level of volume from a low-fi system can be distracting and unpleasant.

But, specifically to your question: As a long time music lover but a new audiophile, I couldn't care less about specs. Heck, I don't understand most of them. If the music moves me it moves me.
Post removed 
n80, thanks for the honest answer.
What I was actually looking for is something like:
I have an amp with no feedback that has 5% distortion and I don't care because of the emotional connection it gives me.
Looks like I'm off to the SET specific forums next time I feel the need to have a conversation.
Mr D. I feel a connection, if you are so inclined I would like to have a private conversation with you about this in the near future. If you are curious about my claim of going into uncharted territory as my partner in a business venture. It would be most helpful if you had a spiritual side. No money is required. This is conditional on being released from a verbal agreement with a good friend who although has shown some interest, is not providing what I need as a partner, (and he does not have a spiritual side). To the rest who replied, thank you for your input.

Actually, my post above over-simplifies the question. Better sonic quality in either recording, playback, or both, can make more audible two instruments, or two voices, playing or singing notes that are close but different that lesser recordings or reproducing equipment can obscure. That can have an effect on both the emotional and intellectual connection with the music.

Here's an example from a friend of mine who had no interest in hi-fi, but was a rabid music lover: His "stereo" was one of those all-in-one units with a "flip-down" turntable (older guys will know what I'm talking about ;-). The speakers folded together to make the unit portable, and when swung out were only a foot or so apart. Because of that, he never heard that there were two organs playing that riff in Elton John's "Bennie & The Jets", not one organ playing all the notes heard. The two organ parts, one in each stereo channel, were playing "question and answer" parts, a musical construct. Hearing the two parts separately changed their musical meaning, effecting both his emotional and intellectual response to the music.

J.S. Bach's Concerto For 4 Harpsichords And Orchestra is incredibly dense with notes from the harpsichords (and those of the orchestra), and the better the recording and reproduction, the more clearly can the notes played by each harpsichord be heard as separate musical lines, essential to appreciating the music. Again, that is of both emotional and intellectual benefit.

The better the recording and reproduction, the more audible will be the difference in timbre between two females singing close harmonies (I'm thinking of Iris Dement and Emmylou Harris in a recording of them I have), the beauty in the music obscured by insufficiently high recording and/or reproduction quality.

Plus, high quality sound is just more fun than lo-fi!

But seriously, this whole subject of sensory perception and the effects of local surroundings on the perceptions of hearing, taste, touch and sight has been been discussed ad nausea by Peter (RIP) and May Belt for the past thirty years. You can get free samples of PWB Silver Rainbow 🌈  Foil and Cream Electret just by asking. Nothing like a little mind-matter interaction to enhance the audiophile experience. Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water.