The secret to a great amplifier...

Is a $150 Orange fuse from Synergistic Research. Seriously, extreme boost in sonic performance. Blacker background, larger soundstage... if I wanted to make some bucks, I’d put these is cheap OEM compnents and start letting the accolades and purchasers come calling.

Mind you, I have a high value-oriented $20k system, so it was nice before, but damn!

Showing 15 responses by audio2design

Simao if you are only willing to accept wrong answers I am sure you will get lots.

That fuse isn't even close to the most limiting part of the power pathway.
The thread already appears to have created a suppository effect Noble100.
Any minute now Jack Nicholson will get up and scream, "You can't handle the truth".
A 20-30VA transformer that would be common in sources, and some pre-amps, etc. will have a DC resistance of 25-150 ohms.

A Eaton Bussmann 10A/250V fast acting fuse typical dc resistance =0.008Ω and a typical power relay contact resistance = 0.1Ω ! 

A 1000VA transformer, perhaps 1 ohm.
Granted electrical engineers would not "nay say" this in the same way they don’t nay say when someone claims that unicorns and fairies exist. They just look at them, sort of shake their head and move on.  To those that ask, though, they may be willing to describe the actual circuitry in a power supply and why that little fuse has far less impact than you think it does.
From what I can tell, most engineers would call it confirmation bias, but a they would allow on the off chance that the changing the fuse did anything, that it was a factor of cleaning contacts or reseating the fuse and that is all I have ever seen attributed.

Let's say I have two fuses. One is lower resistance, one is higher resistance. Which of those fuses will result in more high frequency noise and ripple in the power supply?
I would say these days, fuses in the output of amplifiers are not overly common. Some amps have them, but these are now the exception, not the rule.
Based on all the report of these magical orange fuses blowing, I wonder whose fuse would blow first :-)

I hope they are not taking a low value fuse and marking it as a higher value. That would be one way to reduce the noise in the power supply.
A lot of our current theory of electricity is actually based on things we didn’t know in the 1800’s, however, knowing more about what happens at the atomic level does not change what happens at the macro level.

I agree, everyone should try fuses, and when you do it, do a proper experiment and have someone else change the fuse (or not) and yes, absolutely trust your ears to determine the result. Highly encourage that!

The Naysayer Church wants you to trust their antiquated science (1800’s electrical theory) and faith-based, religious doctrine, BLINDLY ("Trust ME!", their credo).

Now, given that some of those fuses are $100+, how do you propose validating the fuse rating when it appears the supplier has not?

Anyone that knows anything about the sciences, realizes that something like 96% of what makes up this universe, remains a mystery.

Why is it that those least knowledgeable about the sciences are most apt to support things that are not supported by science?
and trust your own senses

That is the same argument that people who believe the earth is flat use.

What is amazing is with all the evidence showing how easy it is to fool our senses, that people still insist they are special, and that quoting the internet somehow makes them an expert.

We know without a shred of doubt that visual stimulus can impact our audible perception, and our taste perception even our emotional perception. Why insist this is not true. You can't claim to be a person of science on one hand, then conveniently reject the science that does not agree with what you want to believe (and accuse other people of Dunning Kruger).

First red (or was that black), then black, then blue, then orange, and all age somehow "so much better" than the one before. It begs the question, was your system so awful to start that successive generations of fuse upgrades made a huge difference? Call me skeptical.

I wonder why these fuses blow more often than other fuses?
jaybe665 posts10-09-2019 7:43amI find SR fuses to blow much more easily than a normal fuse with the same rating. After this happening a few times with the Blues I took the advise of Alfred at High End Electronics and bought a slightly higher rating fuse but it too eventually blew. Two pieces of highly regarded equipment this happened with that otherwise have no problems.

This is Paul, who is no stranger to hyperbole, sort of like your description.

- A single change was made. The unit was turned off, said change was made, then turned back on.  There was no repeated testing.

- Paul say's marvellous improvement

He is already preconditioned for their to be a change. The expectation is already set.  This is what audiophiles do to themselves all the time. A real test would be changing the fuse between two different ones, and sometimes not changing at all.  It is not a subtle difference.

Of note, power cords likely taken on / off wiping contacts, case top removed to change the fuse (was it left off) ... oh, and Paul knew he took the case top off, so further expectation bias.

And again,  you are just making things up using terms you don't understand very well, while eschewing the one form of science that would deliver a proper and somewhat repeatable result, proper testing, with our ears, and not our eyes.

No, you are of the opinion pleasing ones eyes, which can fool the brain (for a period of time) that the ears are happy, but the ears are not actually happy, a higher level decision was made to say "we are happy". However, as it was not a real change, it does not last.  It is like a pretty car with bad handling. You come out and look at the car and go, "oh its so pretty", and you forget about the bad handling ... till you are 20 minutes into the drive.

"A modicum of Wave-Particle Duality and QED study, can open one's eyes to the POSSIBLITIES, surrounding what's happening with conductors, dielectrics, and our voltages/signals." - This is just subterfuge and completely meaningless. We can measure bulk effects with great accuracy. You don't have to understand everything that happens at a low level to understand the macro effects. If there is no "why" then the how is quite meaningless.  Bringing up particle/wave duality and quantum mechanics to try justifying that a fuse may be important is called clutching at straws. If you can't measure a sufficient bulk effect, than the underlying physics does not matter.

I will make a leap and guess that you don't even really understand how a fuse behaves at a bulk level in a power supply circuit, yet you want to start talking low level physics?
rodman999994,785 posts11-23-2020 8:19am
"If you can’t measure......"     That’s been, "science’s" failing, throughout it’s history and- always my point.     ie: Knowing how or what to measure.     If you had the slightest background (or- genuine interest) in the subject, you’d understand.     With no foundation/higher education in Physics  (obviously), you can’t begin to grasp anything (the, "possibilities") to which I refer.    Hence; your posts are full of uneducated, "leaps" (assumptions) and any responses (on my part) are a waste of keystrokes.

You can throw all the insults you want out. I will put my knowledge and understanding of physics, experimental and theoretical up against yours any day. Have at it.  You show your hand when you talk in flowery language, but can't apply specific aspects of physics to very specific problems. That is the difference between people who know, and those that just read. Those that know talk in specifics, not generalities.

But, most of all, you continue to try to convince others not to use proper experimentation in perceptive analysis. No person in the sciences would ever claim that none blind tests were valid or continually promote them as having significant validity.

As noted above, I am all for people testing fuses, just test them, with only your ears, and not your eyes.  Get someone to help you so you can eliminate bias.  Then maybe we can put this topic to bed.